BDI TRIAD 2024: A Rollercoaster Ride of Culture, Creativity, and Connections

Home Student Blog BDI TRIAD 2024: A Rollercoaster Ride of Culture, Creativity, and Connections

Forget your average conference with lukewarm coffee and droning lectures. BDI TRIAD 2024 was a wild ride – a three-day cultural explosion that brought us together as a BDI family. We laughed until our sides hurt, argued passionately about student-written dramas in the hallways (because let’s face it, sometimes art sparks debate!), and competed fiercely on the sports field. Most importantly, we forged connections that felt real and lasting.


Day 1: A Cultural Feast for the Senses

The first day unfolded, each act a unique cultural expression. The welcoming ceremony kicked things off with a bang – a mesmerizing lamp-lighting ceremony led by Professor Nilanka Chatterjee himself and Program Directors from all the different cohorts. From the serene grace of classical dance performances that left us speechless to the thought-provoking narratives of original student written dramas that sparked lively debates in the hallways. Every act highlighted the  hidden talents lurking within our midst, a delightful surprise that makes our BDI family so special.


Laughter echoed through the halls as our own Shivansh Raghav BDI’s own stand up comedian came with his A-game, with puns that had us clutching our stomachs. Soulful renditions by singers tugged at our heartstrings with raw emotion, their voices leaving a lingering resonance. The energy shifted gears with dynamic dance performances, a mesmerizing display of synchronized movement and vibrant costumes that had us tapping our feet and swaying in our seats. Poetry recitals painted vivid pictures with evocative language, while mushaira sessions painted the air with the rich poetry of Urdu, each verse captivating our hearts and minds.


As the day neared its end, we came together in a powerful rendition of the BDI Anthem. It wasn’t just a song; it was a declaration of unity, a vibrant celebration of the diverse cultures that make our BDI family so special. That night, we drifted off to sleep with a sense of pride and a deep connection to our fellow BDI members, the echoes of laughter and applause lingering in our hearts.


Day 2: Igniting the Spark of Innovation

Day 2 was a complete transformation. The atmosphere buzzed with a different kind of energy – the energy of creativity and business savvy. The corridors, once adorned with cultural displays, were now transformed into a buzzing gallery of innovation. Here, we showcased the culmination of weeks of hard work: our Design Thinking and Innovation projects. Each exhibit was a testament to the power of our imagination and strategic thinking on full display.


One project, in particular, captured everyone’s attention. It was the brainchild of a group who dared to dream of sustainable jewellery. Their innovative concept wasn’t just clever, it resonated with a deep human desire to do good in the world. It was a beautiful reminder that business can be a force for positive change, and it sparked conversations about responsible practices that reverberated throughout the day.


The tension rose as the time for voting arrived. Each team had poured their heart and soul into their projects, making the decision a tough call. But finally, amidst thunderous applause and cheers that shook the very walls, the creators of the sustainable jewellery project were declared champions. Their achievement was a powerful symbol of the boundless creativity and entrepreneurial spirit thriving within our BDI community.


Day 3: Camaraderie Takes Center Stage

The final day of BDI TRIAD couldn’t have been more different from the previous two. Gone were the presentations and exhibitions. Instead, the air thrummed with the energy of competition. Mentors and mentees, united by their shared passion for sports, came together for a day of teamwork and camaraderie.


From the first whistle on the basketball court to the final goal on the soccer field, the spirit of sportsmanship reigned supreme. We cheered for each other, pushed our limits (sometimes a little too far, resulting in sore muscles!), and most importantly, forged new bonds with our peers. The competitive spirit was vibrant, but it was the camaraderie that truly shone through. We learned to rely on each other, to celebrate victories together, and to pick each other up after tough losses.


As the dust settled and the last game ended, a bittersweet feeling permeated the air. We were filled with a sense of accomplishment, having pushed ourselves physically and mentally. Yet, there was a tinge of sadness as we realized this incredible journey was coming to an end.


A Lasting Impact

BDI TRIAD 2024 wasn’t just about the events themselves. It was about the connections we made, the lessons we learned, and the inspiration


Aditya Bhattacharya

Postgraduate Students

Universal Ai University