

Name of Faculty Books Title of the Publication Book Name / Published by Date
Dr. Meena Sharma Book AI Tools for Teaching and Learning REDSHINE Publication May 2024
Prof. M. Guruprasad Book Fundamentals of Business Statistics REST Publisher Dec 2023
Prof. M. Guruprasad Book Micro Economics REST Publisher Nov 2023
Dr. Indrajit Goswami Book Strategic Management RedShine Publishers, UK | India | Sweden 25th November 2022
Dr. Indrajit Goswami Book Handbook of Research Methodology RedShine Publishers, UK | India | Sweden 30th August 2022
Dr. Waheeda Thomas Book Green Banking anď Challenges in Modern Scenario Scientific International Publishing Sept 2023
Dr. Indrajit Goswami Book International HRM Red’shine Publishers, India | UK | Sweden 26th September 2022
Dr. Indrajit Goswami Book International Marketing RedShine Publishers, UK | India | Sweden July 2022
Dr. Indrajit Goswami Book Multidisciplinary Research Trends Vol I Red’shine Publishers, India | UK | Sweden August 2022
Dr. Indrajit Goswami Book Multidisciplinary Research Trends Vol II Red’shine Publishers, India | UK | Sweden August 2022
Dr. Indrajit Goswami Book Multidisciplinary Research Trends Vol III Red’shine Publishers, India | UK | Sweden September 2022
Dr. Indrajit Goswami Book Changing Business: Survival and Sustainability Quotient Archers & Elevators Publishing House, Bangalore November 2022
Dr. Indrajit Goswami Book Business Ethics & Corporate Governance Red’shine Publishers, India | UK | Sweden Year 2022
Dr. Kavitha Venkatachari Book Data Analytics using SAS Programming SHROFF Publishers and Distributors Pvt Ltd Year 2022
Dr. Raja and Dr. Rahul Book New Age Leadership: A Critical Insight Himalaya Publishing House January 2022
Dr Raja and Dr Rahul Book Retail Store Himalaya Publishing House Year 2019
Dr. Karunakar Jha and Dr. Indrajit Goswami Book Strategic Sales and Distribution Management Red’shine Publishers, India | UK | Sweden December 2022
Dr. Meena Sharma Book Principles of Management and Practices Red’Shine Publications Pvt Ltd. (an Associate of Red’Mac International Press & Media Inc, India|Sweden|UK) March 23


Name of Faculty Books Chapters Title of the Publication Published By Date
Dr. K Logasakthi Book Chapter Exploring Institutional Use of Performance Measurement Instruments and Indicators for Success, Reinvestments, Partnerships and Survival of MSMEs: Perspectives from Agro-cooperatives in Malawi Impending Inquisitions in Humanities and Sciences (ICIIHS-2022) / Taylor & Francis Group, London April 2024
Dr. K Logasakthi Book Chapter Interrogating Causal Links Between Government Expenditures and Funding Sources, Catalyst for Private Sector in PPPs. A Case of Malawi Impending Inquisitions in Humanities and Sciences (ICIIHS-2022) / Taylor & Francis Group, London April 2024
Dr. Ayesha Siddiqui & Dr. Najib Hamood Saif Farhan Book Chapter Digital Transformation of Financial Services in the Era of Fintech Scrivener Publishing 29th Dec 2023
Dr. Meena Sharma Book Chapter The Impact of Multimodal Learning Environments on Student Engagement and Comprehension Paradox International Publications Guide House Nov 2023
Dr. Indrajit Goswami Book Chapter History of Social Work in USA, UK and India, Introduction to Social Work SAGE Publication 1th June 2022
Prof. Guruprasad and Dr. Indrajit Goswami Book Chapter Non-performing assets (npa) in the Indian banking sector Indian Economy: Issues and Challenges 29th September 2022
Dr. Indrajit Goswami Book Chapter Sustainability, Risk Mitigation & CSR Practices: Retrospect and Prospects Futuristic Trends in Management, IIP Book Series November 2022
Dr. Asha Bhatia and Prof. Piya Ghosh Book Chapter Impact of COVID 19 on Adoption of Quick Commerce Futuristic Trends in Management, IIP Book Series November 2022
Dr. Priya Solomon Book Chapter An Empirical Analysis of NSE Nifty Performance and Tertiary Sector Growth: Evidence from India Futuristic Trends in Management, IIP Book Series November 2022
Prof. Nilanka Chatterjee Book Chapter The future of workplace Futuristic Trends in Management, IIP Book Series November 2022
Dr. Ansari Sarwar Alam Book Chapter A descriptive study of sustainable development goals and their comprehension in the Indian context Futuristic Trends in Management, IIP Book Series November 2022
Dr. Indrajit Goswami and Prof. Nilanka Chatterjee Book Chapter The Art of being a brilliant teacher: The new avatar in online classroom Online Education: Issues & Challenges’, Innovative Research Publications, Bhopa Year 2022
Dr. Indrajit Goswami Book Chapter Covid-19 pandemic: Some reflections on future learning space Covid-19 Pandemic: Challenges for Management Education’ published by AMDISA, Hyderabad, India Year 2021
Dr. Indrajit Goswami Book Chapter A multidisciplinary approach in management education: The bureaucratic hurdles and future perspectives Development Dialogue: Sociological & Ecological Perspectives, Agra: Y.K. Publishers, Year 2021
Dr. Asha Bhatia Book Chapter Inclusive Transportation Systems – Creating Impact through Social Change New Horizons in Education and Social Studies Vol. 11 April 2021
Dr. Asha Bhatia Book Chapter Online Learning – Effectiveness and Challenges Across the Globe Virtual and Classroom Learning in Higher Education Year 2021
Dr. Asha Bhatia Book Chapter Transforming India’s Logistic Industry During COVID-19 Crisis Business Under Crisis Volume I. Palgrave Studies in Cross disciplinary Business Research, In Association with EuroMed Academy of Business. Palgrave January 2022
Prof. Nilanka Chatterjee and Dr. Indrajit Goswami Book Chapter Emerging learning ecology and shifting of leadership from teachers to students- the changing perspectives Excel Publications Bhopal – First Edition February 2022
Dr. Raja Roy C and Dr. Chandan Thakur Book Chapter A Handbook on FMCG International Society for green sustainable engineering and management Year 2021
Dr. Sarwar Ansari Alam Book Chapter A Descriptive Comprehension Study on Solar Energy, Solar Products, and Solar Products Marketing in Indian Context International Series in Operations Research & Management Science January 2023