Prof. Chetan J. Parikh

Joining Date: 5/1/2019
Association: Contractual
Department: Marketing
A science graduate from St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai, followed by a Diploma in Marketing from XIM, Mumbai, Prof Chetan had been a businessman, for more than 30+ years, involved with successfully launching, Marketing and distribution of Consumer and industrial Electrical products in the city of Mumbai. He has been in the field of Teaching and Corporate Training, specializing in various areas of soft skills, since 2001. In the year 2005 he underwent a special FDP and was awarded Certificate of Proficiency in Strategic Management, in conjunction with AICTE, by the Strategic Management Forum of India. Prof. Parikh has also served as the Associate dean at XIM. Prof. Parikh has been a visiting faculty at several Executive MBA institutions teaching various Marketing and Strategic Management subjects. He has been teaching at the UBS executive Centre – Cardiff MBA, for nearly 4 years and as BABMS faculty, at UBS Karjat, since August 2019. Prof. Parikh is an outdoors person, actively involved with the scout movement, for the last 50 odd years, interacting with the youth of today for their overall development.