Dr. Massimo Bracale

BBE (Economics), Zurich Business School; MBA (Marketing), Swiss Business School; MBA (IB), University of South Australia; Ph.D. (Human Behavior), Newport University, California, USA. 20 years Swiss experience at Zurcher Kantonalbank, Zurich Stock Exchange, Ascom Telematic AG, Head of Customer Service Europe at Bally Management; Head of Debtor Department at University Hospital of Zurich, Direct Marketing Consultant at Swiss Post & Marketing Director at Mobile Solutions AG.
He is member of the Scientific Committee of the Institute of Higher Studies on Women and Professor of Leadership and Female Entrepreneurship at the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum in Rome. At the same time he runs a Master’s Program on Criminal Investigation and a Master’s in Intelligence Studies and Analysis at the European University of Rome. Expert in Women Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management in the 21st century. Further, he has been appointed Director Rome from the International Human Rights Association, United Nations. He was awarded the title of “Academician” at the European Academy for Economic and Cultural Relations of Rome.